Il Portale della Regione Calabria per le imprese

The Desk represents the first interface through which companies can explore the opportunities sponsored by the SEZ areas of the Calabria Region. In particular, pursuant to art. 5, c. 1 letter a-ter, of the D.L. n. 91/2017, it supports the front-end of the Steering Committee, as the "manager of the SEZ area".

Specifically, it must ensure:

  1. the tools aimed at guaranteeing the establishment and full operation of the companies in the SEZ, as well as the systematic promotion of the area to international stakeholders;
  2. the use of both economic and technological services in the SEZ;
  3. access to services offered by third parties

This information activity is part of all the measures in support of the administrative activity of  the “productive activities desk” network (SUAP), provided by the "" Regional Strategic Project and implemented by the regional SUAP and Fincalabra SpA (responsible for the Project).
The principal aim is to establish a virtual infopoint for stakeholder in order to carry interest and investment in the area of Gioia Tauro.

For further information on the advantages associated with administrative simplification and fiscal and financial aids as well as on opportunities of location in the SEZ areas, you should download and fill in the contact form and attach it in the following section “Contact us-Fill in the form”. This form will send to Calabria SEZ Steering Commitee.

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