Il Portale della Regione Calabria per le imprese

Establishment and aim (المؤسسة والغرض)

The Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is defined by art. 4, c. 2, of the L.D. n. 91/2017 as a "geographically delimited and clearly identified area, located within the borders of the State, also consisting of non-territorially adjacent areas as long as they have a functioning economic network, and which includes at least a port area, connected to the trans-European transport network (TEN-T)". Pursuant to art. 4, c. 1, the SEZ serves a purpose of "creating favorable conditions in economic, financial and administrative terms, which allow the development, in some areas of the country, of companies already operating, as well as the establishment of new companies".

The SEZ has a duration of no less than 7 years and no more than 14. The duration may be extended, up to a maximum of a further 7 years, upon the request by the interested regions on the basis of the monitoring checks.

Governance (الحوكمة)

The governance of the Calabria SEZ is made up of two levels that operate in an interdependent manner, according to the law provisions and the guidelines of the Calabria SEZ Strategic Plan.

Pursuant to art. 4, c. 6 of the D.L. n. 91/2017, modified by the DL n. 77/2021, art. 57 (amended by the Law n. 108/2021), the first level, consists of:

  • Special Commissioner of the Government for the Calabria SEZ
  • Steering Committee

The Steering Committee of the Calabria SEZ is composed of:

  • Special Commissioner of the Government, as President
  • President of the Port Authority of South Tyrrenian and Ionio Seas
  • Representative of the Calabria Region
  • Representative of Prime Minister's Office
  • Representative of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
  • Representative of industrial development consortium (art 36 - L.5 october 1991, n. 317)
  • President of the Port Authority of the Stretto

According to art. 4 c. 6, of the D.L. n. 91/2017, the Steering Committee of the Calabria SEZ is in charge of SEZ management.

The Steering Committee works together with the General Secretary of the Port System Authority for the administrative duties, referred to Legislative Decree n. 165/2001.

In particular, pursuant to art. 4 c. 7, the responsible has to provide:

  1. all the facilities aimed to ensure the companies’ functioning within the SEZ area and the promotional activities to international stakeholders;
  2. use of economic and technological services in the SEZ area;
  3. access to services in favor of any third parties.

The Extraordinary Commissioner of the Government is appointed by decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, adopted on the proposal of the Minister for the South and Territorial Cohesion, in agreement with the President of the Region involved (art. 4, c. 6-bis).

The Commissioner may sign contracts and framework agreements with banks and financial intermediaries, subject to authorisation by the Steering Committee (art. 4, c.  7-bis).

The Commissioner, also with the support of the Agency for Territorial Cohesion (art. 4 c. 7-ter):

  1. ensures operational coordination and impulse to initiatives aimed to encourage the attractiveness, establishment and functioning of activities within the SEZ;
  2. acts as an external referent of the Steering Committee for the attractiveness and settlement of productive investments in SEZ areas;
  3. among the areas defined by the Strategic Development Plan, contributes to identify the primary ones for the implementation of the Plan and ensures the production facilities;
  4. encourages special protocols and agreements’ signing between local and national administrations.

The Commissioner may act as a contracting authority and may operate with extraordinary powers notwithstanding the regulations on public contracts, regarding effective and timely implementation of the interventions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Art. 4, c. 7-quinquies).

Pursuant to art. 5, c. 1, letter a-quater, the Agency for Territorial Cohesion supports the activities of the Commissioners and ensures the coordination of their action as well as the national planning of interventions in the SEZ, on the basis of the guidelines of the Steering Committee. The Agency also offers support to Commissioners through technical and administrative skilled staff, identified pursuant to art. 7, c. 6, of Legislative Decree 30 March 2001, n. 165, in order to guarantee the effectiveness and the functioning of the Commissioner's action (art. 4, c. 7-quarter)


Pursuant to the SEZ Calabria Strategic Development Plan, approved by Prime Ministerial Decree no. 12/2018, the second level provides that the governance model is integrated with the following regional bodies:

  • Committee for the strategic development in the SEZ
  • Permanent conference committee
  • Regional governance structure (so called in the SEZ Development Plan) included in the Regional Department of Joint Programming, through the creation of a specific "SEZ Coordination Sector" supported by a technical structure called "SEZ Office".
  • SURAP - Regional Productive Activities desk

The Commitee for the SEZ strategic development coordinates the overall regional policies in relation to infrastructures as indicated in the Regional Transport Plan, economic activities as indicated in the EAER, as well as all other regional policies, that may condition the SEZ area as indicated in the Strategic Development Plan.

The Commitee for the SEZ strategic development includes the President of the Regional Council, the Assessor for the logistics system, the regional port system and "Gioia Tauro System", the Assessor for planning, the Assessor for infrastructures and transports or their respective delegates, the representative of the Region in the Steering Committee, as well as representatives of other institutions and other bodies identified by the President of the Region.

The Commitee for the SEZ defines the regional strategies for the SEZ, coordinates its activities through specific agreements with SEZ Committee and verifies the implementation of these strategies. Also it identifies any necessary corrective actions to be submitted to the different competent Bodies. The Committee may have its own regulations.

The Permanent Conference Committee serves the purpose of discussing the strategy of the SEZ between the involved subjects and stakeholders in the process of SEZ development.

The Permanent Conference Committee includes representatives of the municipalities in which the SEZ falls into and representatives of the Provinces and the Metropolitan City. The subjects who are already part of a partnership with the Calabria Region can be part of the Permanent Conference Committee. Other 10 stakeholders may also join the Committee.


Furthermore, the responsible subjects below are part of the governance system of the Calabria SEZ in relation to the set up of  economic activities.


SEZ areas



-       Lamezia Terme
-       Crotone
-       Reggio Calabria

Port Authority of Southern Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas


-       Gioia Tauro
-       Corigliano Calabro
-       Crotone
-       Vibo Valentia

“Porto dello Stretto” System Authority


-       Reggio Calabria
-       Villa San Giovanni


Productive port hinterland:

-       Gioia Tauro, Sen Ferdinando, Rosarno
-       Crotone
-       Porto Salvo, Vibo Valentia
-       Schiavonea, Corigliano-Rossano
-       Lamezia Terme

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