Il Portale della Regione Calabria per le imprese

Scheda n.: 9
Tipologia ZES (SEZ type): Porto
Comune (Municipality): Vibo Valentia
Ente Gestore (Managing Body): Port Authority of Southern Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas
Fogli Catastali (Cadastral sheets): 1 di Vibo Valentia
Superficie totale Area (Total surface Area) (ha): 15
Riferimenti (References):
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The port of Vibo Valentia is a category II, class II port. It is characterized by a double function: commercial and tourist. It is affected by discrete commercial flows strictly connected to the productive activities and industrial settlements present in the territory of the province. Incoming commercial traffic is mainly made up of fuels and gas destined for coastal depots and factories in the Vibo Marina area, while outgoing traffic is essentially represented by industrial products from the neighboring industrial area (for example from the Nuovo Pignone plant).

In addition to commercial activities, within the port, there is a significant movement of pleasure boats that use essential services, such as reception and refueling. This movement, in the summer period, reaches high levels of attendance and it represents an important aspect for the provincial tourism sector. During the summer, the port is affected by significant direct passenger flows to and from the Aeolian Islands.

The port is accessed through an entrance about 370 m wide, followed by an evolution basin with a diameter of 400 m with depths varying from 12 to 13 m. Docks are available for a total of 1,645 m (with depths between 4 and 9 m), in front of services area (about 49,000 sq.m).

Piloting, mooring, towing and bunkering services are available inside the port. There are also Finance Policy and Firefighter Offices.

The port area is defined by the Maritime State's delimitation report. It includes the areas bounded, to the west, by the Schipani ditch and to the east by the Fiume quay. The area size included in the perimeter of the SEZ area corresponds to approximately 15 ha.



The SEZ Calabria strategic plan, chap. 9 “Facilitations and incentives”, (P.M.D. 12/2018 art. 6, l. g, c. 1) identifies the following main facilities to support the SEZ:

  • Tax credit (Law 208/2015)
  • Development contracts (MISE Agreement, 2-017, D.G.R. 93/2018)
  • Law 181/89 (D.G.R. 423/2016, D.G.R. 95/2018)
  • Craft Fund (D.G.R. 580/2017)

Furthermore, the law n. 178/2020 (Budget Law 2021), art. 1, c. 173-176, introduced a further facility for businesses that set up new economic initiatives in SEZ areas, regarding the reduction by 50% in income taxes for activities carried out in the SEZ.

Infrastrutture e servizi:

Infrastructures and services:

Ordinary Infrastructures

Link Road infrastructures to motorways and road networks

  • S.S. 18 Tirrena Inferiore connects, to the north, the E45 Pizzo motorway junction, about 15 km away; to the south with the E45 S. Onofrio-Vibo Valentia motorway junction, about 15 km away.
  • The IRN Vibo Marina station - Lamezia terme-Rosarno line can be reached through urban roads.
  • Through S.S. 18 Tirrena Inferiore you reach the IRN Vibo V.-Pizzo station - Salerno-Reggio Calabria line.

Inland Road Infrastructures

Water supply infrastructure (industrial water)
For the water supply service to ships, in the port of Vibo Marina there is a water system, with columns for the supply of water, built by the Development Consortium of the Industrial Nucleus of the Province of Vibo Valentia along the so-called quay "Fiume". There are no other sources of water supply on the remaining commercial docks (with the exception of a single point of the municipal water line with free access at the end of the “Tripoli” quay). Merchant units that need water supply must request the related service through supply tankers to be entered in the register pursuant to ex art. 68 C.N.

Telematic/telephone/fiber infrastructures
TIM fiber network coverage

Energy infrastructure (gas)
Absent - A project for the construction of an urban gas-methane distribution line is currently being evaluated.

Energy infrastructure (electricity)
There is an electrical substation adjacent to the outer wall of the Bengasi quay, used by the Meridionale Petroli Srl coastal depot and in concession to the same company.

Waste collection/removal infrastructure
There are no facilities for the collection of waste from ships, nor a concessionaire for this service. However, in implementation of the Ship Waste Management Plan, adopted on the basis of Legislative Decree no. 182/2003 and reviewed by the Port Authority in 2020, the Municipality of Vibo Valentia is starting the procedure for selecting a concessionaire. Currently, solid waste from ships is collected by a company registered in the register pursuant to art. 68 of the Naval Code, while, for the port area cleaning service, the relative contract is being awarded by the Interregional Superintendency for Sicily and Calabria.

Areas subject to different restrictions
The Bengasi, Papandrea and Buccarelli docks are subject to the limitations deriving from the legislation on port security and port facilities, descending from Reg. EC 725/2004 and Legislative Decree 203/2007, as well as from the security plans of port and port facilities, which provide for operational limitations and access to the quay, in constant operations of loading / unloading goods from ships subject to security.

Areas subject to customs restrictions
Customs checks are carried out on the Benghazi Quay, but there is no restriction.


Connotative Infrastructures

Infrastructures and dock areas:

  1. Papandrea and Buccarelli docks: intended for the docking of petroleum vessels, for the unloading of gasoline and diesel oil on behalf of the coastal depots Meridionale Petroli Srl and Eni Spa.
  2. Benghazi quay: intended for the docking of cargo ships (loading of heavy metal carpentry goods using a mobile crane of the port company operating there) and for the temporary storage of the goods themselves. There are no areas, outside the quay, intended for the storage of freights.

Distinct areas for admitted activities (industrial, commercial, craft, shipbuilding, logistics, services, ...) with indications and identification of the lots
Infrastructures and areas for Quays: for commercial and passenger traffic, for dock and services, pontoons.

The Fiume quay is intended for boarding and disembarking passengers from motor ships that make daily cruises to the Aeolian Islands. There are no specific infrastructures and dedicated terminals for this purpose.

Security and control infrastructures
Unmanned booth near the main gate at the Pola quay

Access gates

  • Main driveway on Viale delle Industrie;
  • Pedestrian gate adjacent to the “il Gabbiano” bar;
  • Driveway that leads from the waterfront onto the Fiume quay;
  • Driveway located on A. Vespucci street and more precisely in the side street
  • existing between the Capitaneria building and the disused headquarters of the Gottellini Maritime Agency (currently closed);
  • Driveway located in Amerigo Vespucci street and adjacent to the shed
  • of the Marpesca company.
  • Automatic driveway gate located in the area behind the head of the Bengasi bank and adjacent to the Meridionale Petroli Srl coastal depot (so-called
  • Varco Meridionale Petroli), subject to port security measures;
  • Driveway located in the surrounding wall of the Papandrea quay, near the center of the quay, at the height of the "La Rada" restaurant, closed with a padlock and subject to port security measures.
  • Passage at the head of the Buccarelli quay, closed with a padlock for port security needs.

Coastal deposits

  • Coastal depot "Meridionale Petroli Srl"
  • Eni Spa oil pipeline, connecting from the Buccarelli quay to the Eni coastal depot located in a privately owned area, outside the port area.

Depots and gas stations and bunkers
Bunkering station located on the Tripoli quay

Strumento Urbanistico vigente:

Available zoning regulation

Port Regulatory Plan provided by the City Council with Resolution no. 36 of 29 April 1978 and definitively with the Ministry Decree LL. PP. No. 1292 of May 5, 1982

Vincoli presenti:


Environmentally protective restrictions: The SEZ development area, on the south-east side, has an area subject to the "Coastal Territories" restriction (ref. Art. 142 of Legislative Decree no. 42/2014)

Environmental Restriction: On the seabed overlooking the port area there is the Natura 2000 Network environmental restriction- ZSC IT9340092 "Fondali di Pizzo Calabro".
On the seabed overlooking the port area there is the Naturalistic restriction - Protected Areas - Regional Marine Park "Fondali Capocozzo".

Restriction in Coastal Erosion Plan: The coastal strip of the SEZ development area falls within high risk areas of the PSEC.

Flood Area Management Plan: Compared to the PGRA, coordinated at the level of the hydrographic district, there is a small part of the SEZ area, located to the south, affected by floods, identified according to the national specifications.



Regione Calabria
Dipartimento “Programmazione Unitaria”
Settore n. 8 “Coordinamento ZES”
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